While gyms and fitness studios are excellent venues to get your sweat on, there are a variety of activities you can do that don’t require joining a fitness facility and still help you accomplish exercise goals. Keep reading if you’re looking for ways to burn 100 calories or more quickly—without a gym while at home, work, or traveling.
How to Burn 100 Calories
Let’s dive into how you can quickly burn 100 calories:
- Climb stairs for 10 minutes
- Do yoga for 30 minutes
- Walk for 30 minutes
- Perform your work standing rather than sitting
- Jump rope for 7 minutes
- Dance for 30 minutes
- Do rigorous chores for 30 minutes
- Hike for 15 minutes
- Run a 10-minute mile
- Garden for 25 minutes
The activities you choose may vary based on how much time you have available, what you feel your body needs that particular day, the weather, and so on. There are no right or wrong choices here. There are many options to get moving.
The exact amount of calories your body will use doing these activities depends on your weight, gender, age, body composition, and more. Therefore, this rate is different for everyone. For simplicity’s sake, the calorie counts used in this article are for a 150-pound woman. Calculate your individual calorie burn rate for a more precise number.
A Word From Verywell
There are endless ways to burn 100 calories in your everyday life. Keep these and other easy workout ideas on slips of paper in the jar. Encourage co-workers, friends, or family members to join you and complete a workout two or three times throughout the day to promote healthy movement and increased fitness.