Mastering Healthy Dining Out: 9 Tips from Nutritionists
These helpful tips are provided by our friends at Arivale; a personalized, data-driven nutritional coaching tool. Special promo at the bottom!
Whether it’s date night with a loved one or a solo meal on a business trip, finding healthy options while dining out can be tough. With someone else making the food, it’s all too easy to get too much of everything. But, there are ways you can reclaim some control over what ends up on your plate and in your belly.
9 Nutritionist-Approved Tips for Sticking with Health Goals While Dining Out
1. Plan ahead
It’s always a good idea to have a few go-to places in the back of your mind where you know the menu and are confident you can order something both delicious and nutritious. If you’re not in charge of picking the restaurant, try to find the menu online in advance so you can make a plan for what to order.
2. Ask yourself, “What can I replace?”
If an item is fried, ask for it grilled. If the sandwich has mayonnaise, ask to replace it with avocado or just mustard if you’re watching fat. Small tweaks can have a big impact.
3. Try an appetizer over an entree
If there is a nice selection of seafood or veggie-based appetizers, consider skipping the entree and having one or two healthy appetizers for your meal.
4. Skip the bread basket
If you want to eat something prior to the meal, order some veggies to snack on while you wait. Drink a full glass of water before indulging in bread.
5. Eat your veggies first
Start with a big veggie salad before the main course to eat fewer calories overall.
6. Order fish or a vegetarian entree instead of meat
Opt for fish or vegetarian options over meat dishes to make a healthier choice. Watch out for hidden sources of fat in menu descriptions.
7. Go halfsies
Share an entree with a friend or box up half of it before eating to control portion sizes.
8. Choose your cocktails wisely
Opt for drinks with less added sugar like wine, light beer, or vodka and club soda. Stay hydrated by drinking water throughout your meal.
9. Eat mindfully
Focus on the company and atmosphere while eating out. Slow down your pace, chew more, and enjoy your meal.
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