Satisfying Added-Sugar-Free Snacks to Keep You on Track
If you’re trying to lose weight or just watching what you eat more closely, you might find it difficult to come by added-sugar-free snacks. Even foods that are typically regarded as “healthy,” such as yogurt, granola, and smoothies, can be loaded with added sugars — especially those that hide in plain sight on nutrition labels.
However, with a bit of creativity and know-how, you can whip up plenty of yummy snacks without added sugar to munch on between meals. Stamp out your cravings with these satisfying added-sugar-free snacks.
1. Natural Peanut Butter With Whole-Grain Crackers
“Anytime you’re going to snack, choosing something with a bit of carbs, protein, and fat in it is the best option for maintaining a healthy balance,” explains Andrea N. Giancoli, MPH, RD. Natural peanut butter, the kind that is just crushed nuts without added sugar, is a substantial snack that provides protein and healthy fats and pairs perfectly with crackers, celery, or fruit.
2. Nuts
Raw or dry roasted nuts are full of healthy fats and important nutrients like iron, magnesium, and fiber. Avoid varieties that are honey-roasted, chocolate-covered, or have any sugary coating. On their own, peanuts are a mix of protein and fat with almost no carbs and have a subtle sweetness to them.
3. Cheese and Fruit
A juicy piece of fruit is naturally sweet without added sugar. Pairing fruit with something savory like cheese provides a healthy spin on “sweet-and-salty” flavor without added sugar. Plus, noshing on protein, carbohydrates, and fiber will give you energy to power through a workout or stay focused until your next meal.
4. Turkey and Lettuce Roll-Ups
A sliced roasted turkey and lettuce roll-up delivers on satisfying crispiness. Read labels in the deli section to avoid added sugars in lunch meats. Look for in-house roasted natural turkey for the best option.
5. Popcorn
Air-popped popcorn is light and slightly sweet naturally. Look for products like individual-size microwaveable popcorn bags or pre-portioned 100-calorie bags. Avoid kettle corn or caramel-covered popcorn, which contain added sugar.
6. Hummus and Carrots
Carrots provide a naturally sweet taste and crunch, making them a great veggie alternative to fresh fruit. Pair them with protein-packed hummus for a satisfying snack.
7. Herbal Tea
Sip on herbal tea to hydrate and curb snack cravings. Some herbal teas taste naturally sweet and can help you get through the moment without added sugars.